Knowledge Captured
Record the tacit knowledge in your enterprise so that your transformation is based on fact.
It's where you model the tacit knowledge that exists right across your business.
Record the tacit knowledge in your enterprise so that your transformation is based on fact.
Map the things that matter to transformation - process inefficiencies, tolerations and workarounds.
Connect facts to your OrgGraph - link knowledge business processes, systems, strategies and geographies.
Capture facts like inefficiencies, risks, ways-of-working, workarounds, problems and solutions so that everyone, everywhere has the viability needed to truly transform what you do.
If you work for a large enterprise, knowledge is everywhere. But at the same time, knowledge is nowhere to be found. We've fixed that with FusionGraph.
It's ironic that most digital transformations rely on information in spreadsheets. If you're going to transform your business, transform the way you describe your business first.